Ruth Loo (@deepgraceinspo) shares with us how she uses scrap materials for journaling on mori World's 1st Pursebook. Ruth is currently a student studying Mass Communication in a local polytechnic. She is a self-taught calligrapher and enjoys journalling, sending snail mail and trying out artisanal teas.

What are the inspirations behind these journal spreads?
Ruth: I wanted to come up with a spread that would encourage others who do not have lots of craft materials to be creative and expressive in their journalling. I decided on the theme of upcycling (giving scrap materials new life) as scraps can be repurposed into something meaningful and beautiful.

Materials Used
- IKEA catalog cutouts
- Brown kraft paper (MUJI paper packet)
- Scraps of grid paper
- Dried flower bookmark
- Stickers i got from temperature taking during this covid19 period 😜
- Stickers from tea packaging
- Sticker from a used stamp booklet

Any tips for doing journal spreads?
Ruth: One tip for making a journal spread would be balancing out the colours and elements. Pick a colour scheme you'd like to go with, for example blue green and yellow, or brown white and baby pink. Be sure to spread out the coloured elements equally! Another tip would be to use materials such as stickers, highlighters and markers. They aren't necessary for journalling but they will definitely add colour and mood to your spread. Again, I would recommend using scrap materials!

We understand that you were initially daunted to use scraps for journaling! It turned out really great! Do you journal often? Are there challenges and how do you overcome them? 
Ruth: I've been journalling since 14. It all started when I didn't quite like the layout of the school diary that all students had to buy, so I bought a plain notebook and started designing my own planner instead. However, now I journal regularly as it motivates me to complete tasks and set goals. I love decorating my planner!

For me, the only challenge I face for journaling is creative burnout. Sometimes, I lack inspiration for what to write, or how to design the journal spread. To gather inspiration, I go window shopping! Going to craft and lifestyle stores gives me ideas and new perspectives. I also scroll through my Instagram feed for inspiration.

What would you like to say to those who do not yet have a journaling habit?
Ruth: One of my new year resolutions was to journal down something i was grateful for everyday. I find that it really allows you to see God's grace in your life and how He has everything planned out for you. It helps you recount the goodness and mercy of God when you read your past journal entries. Perhaps you can try this out by writing one line a day about something you are grateful for. Even if you feel that you are not artsy or creative, I want to encourage you to try your hand at journalling. Trust me, it is very therapeutic and fulfilling.

*Above spread is done on mori's Planner 2020 weekly planner page; an inspiration reference on how you can make use of your existing planners to journal regularly such as incorporating gratitude list, verse of the week

Thank you Ruth for doing this Upcycling x Journaling project with mori, especially during this strange times of Covid19. We hope you take away useful tips to journal during your time at home, while exercising social distancing. Stay safe and savour these moments of slowing down.

We have also just launched our mori Bible Journaling Workshop online. If you would like to try your hands at deepening your walk with Daddy God through journaling, join us for the 2-hour sharing and hands-on online session here!

For other examples and tips on journaling in this crazy busy world, read our other blog post Why I Journal and How in This Crazy Busy World


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